Prayers for the Start of a New School Year

by Emily Vanden Heuvel
Using Scripture as a guide, you can pray over your church’s education programs, the school in your neighborhood, or the students or teachers in your own family. This type of prayer is called Intersession. Intercession is prayer given on behalf of others. The Bible urges us to carry each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2). Intercession means we give up time and energy to bring the needs of other people to God's throne. Intercession is a beautiful way to love someone.
Sometimes it may be hard to know what to say when we pray in intercession. The beautiful truth of prayer is there is no wrong way to do it, so you can use the examples of intercessory prayer I share as templates to write your own prayers and add names of people or specific schools or classes.
Prayer for teachers, educators, and administrators
Based on Galatians 5:22-23
Dear God, I pray for teachers, educators, and school administrators as they begin the new school year. Thank you for the men and women who have dedicated their careers to teaching and leading. I pray that the classroom and school buildings can be a place where love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control flourish. I pray for teachers who have to manage and engage online learners. May they all have the energy, creativity, and an abundance of compassion. Protect their mental and physical health as they work hard to create safe places of learning.
Prayer students and learners
Based on 2 Timothy 1:7
Lord, I pray for students and learners. Give them minds that are eager to learn. Give them courage to ask good questions, confidence to take risks, and the discipline to focus and study. I pray for quality friendships and safety in and out of the classroom. I pray for the kids who struggle with anxiety and fear; may they feel your perfect love surround them, and give them the courage to get through each day. I pray that learning is engaging, valuable, and exciting. Give the students focus and direction as they prepare for what lies ahead.
Prayer for parents
Based on Proverbs 22:6
Perfect Parent, I pray for parents and caregivers of the students. May they have clear minds to juggle busy schedules of work, home, and school. Release them from fear and anxiety as they send kids off to learn, and give them grace and wisdom. I pray a special blessing upon the parents and caregivers who have students with special needs; give them guidance as they advocate for their children. And I pray that their homes are safe places of love and acceptance so that the children may know their worth and value.
Faith Practices
May these prayers help guide you as you intercede for the students and schools in your church and community; it is a powerful gift of love. If you would like more resources about prayer for children and families, Faith Practices for Families explores the why, when, and how to pray with your family.